Nullish Coalescing Operator

Nullish Coalescing Operator


2 min read

The nullish coalescing operator is the two question marks ??. It provides a default value.


result = a ?? b

The syntax above means:

  • if a is defined, then a;
  • if a isn't defined, then b;

The syntax above can be rewritten as shown below:

result = (a !== null && a !== undefined) ? a : b;

See the examples below:

if a is defined, then a;

const a = "breakfast"; // a is defined
const b = "lunch";

const result = a ?? b;
console.log(result); // breakfast

if a isn't defined, then b;

let a; // a is undefined => const a = undefined;
const b = "lunch";

const result = a ?? b; 
console.log(result); // lunch

If you are getting an error, the browser JavaScript engine does not understand the ?? operator.

SyntaxError: Unexpected token '?'

In such a case, you need to upgrade the browser.

Nullish operator with other Operators

For a nullish operator used with other operators, it's advisable to use parentheses to specify the order of operations.

With parentheses () grouping:

let length, width;
const area = (length ?? 100) * (width ?? 50);

console.log(area) // 5000

Without parentheses () grouping:

let length, width;
const area = length ?? 100 * width ?? 50;

console.log(area) // NaN

Nullish operator with Logical Operators

const x = (5 && 10) ?? 15; // (5 && 10) = 10 => 10 ?? 15

console.log(x); // 10

Nullish Operator Precedence Nullish operator has the least precedence as compared to other logical operators.


Check out the full list of operators precedence at MDN.

The highest operator precedence is () in any math operation. It specifies the order of operations.

Happy Coding!!!

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